The 4C's

Carat weight

Diamond prices are based on their carat; the greater the carat weight the higher the carat price


Colour is described on a scale from D (colourless) to Z (distinctly yellow, but not quite Fancy yellow). If the stone is categorised as a Fancy colour, the scale is determined by the colour. 


Clarity describes the relative absence of inclusions within the gemstone.  In descending order, the clarity grades includes Flawless (FI), Very Slightly Includes (VS), Slightly Included (SI). Clarity is graded with using a 10x magnification. 

At BUNDA we used a minimum of F colour, VS clarity diamonds. 


Cut defines the shape and polishing style of a faceted gem. This also includes the quality of the workmanship. Cut is categorized by the following: style of cut, symmetry, proportions and polish. 

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